Biden passes torch to Harris on emotional first night of Democratic National Convention (2024)

The first night of the 2024 Democratic National Convention began to tell the story of Kamala Harris, but it was also a moment for the party to mark the people who paved the way for her rise as she charts a new path for Democrats. President Joe Biden delivered a fiery speech in defense of his decision to step aside, and in support of Harris. Laura Barrón-López reports.

Notice: Transcripts are machine and human generated and lightly edited for accuracy. They may contain errors.

  • Geoff Bennett:

    Former President Barack Obama is set to headline the second night of the Democratic National Convention here in his political hometown of Chicago. Mr. Obama will speak in support of Kamala Harris, the party's newly minted standard-bearer, delivering what a campaign official says will be a forceful affirmation that Harris is the right leader for the moment.

  • Amna Nawaz:

    The former president's appearance comes one night after the sitting president, Joe Biden, delivered a fiery speech in defense of his decision to step aside and in support of Harris.

    Laura Barron-Lopez has been watching it all closely, and she's on the convention floor now — Laura.

  • Laura Barron-Lopez:

    Geoff and Amna, the first night of the DNC began to tell the story of Kamala Harris. But it was also a moment for the party to mark those who came before her and created this pathway for her to ultimately rise and to chart a new pathway for Democrats.

    Ashley Biden, Daughter of President Joe Biden: I would like to introduce my father, your 46th president of the United States, Joe Biden.


  • Laura Barron-Lopez:

    President Biden took the stage with an embrace from his daughter, Ashley, wiping a tear from his eye as delegates and attendees did the same.

    Joe Biden, President of the United States: Thank you, thank you, thank you.

  • Laura Barron-Lopez:

    Greeted by a sea of signs that read, "We heart Joe" and chants of his name. The crowd gave him a standing ovation that lasted nearly five minutes. It was a scene that could have been his own party nomination on the final night of the convention. But this was more of a goodbye.

  • Joe Biden:

    I made a lot of mistakes in my career. But I gave my best to you. For 50 years, like many of you, I have given my heart and soul to our nation.

  • Laura Barron-Lopez:

    And a passing of the torch to Kamala Harris.

  • Joe Biden:

    I promise I will be the best volunteer Harris and Walz have never seen.



  • Laura Barron-Lopez:

    Biden made no secret of the pressure he faced to bow out one month ago, saying he harbors no hard feelings.

  • Joe Biden:

    From all this talk about how I'm angry at all those people who said I should step down, that's not true.

  • Laura Barron-Lopez:

    He focused on his accomplishments, together with Vice President Harris.

  • Joe Biden:

    We have had one of those extraordinary four years of progress ever, period.



  • Joe Biden:

    When I say we, I mean Kamala and me.

  • Laura Barron-Lopez:

    Earlier, Harris praised the man she hopes to replace.

    Kamala Harris, Vice President of the United States (D) and U.S. Presidential Candidate: Joe, thank you for your historic leadership, for your lifetime of service to our nation, and for all you will continue to do. We are forever grateful to you.



  • Laura Barron-Lopez:

    And the night ended with the two hugging on stage.

    Vice President Harris could be seen saying: "I love you so much."

  • Announcer:

    Hillary Clinton.



  • Laura Barron-Lopez:

    The program also acknowledged those who made Harris' moment possible, including the last woman nominated by the party, Hillary Clinton.

    Hillary Rodham Clinton, Former U.S. Secretary of State: Together, we put a lot of cracks in the highest, hardest glass ceiling.

  • Laura Barron-Lopez:

    Most of her speech focused on the weight of the moment and the fight ahead.

  • Hillary Rodham Clinton:

    I wish my mother and Kamala's mother could see us. They would say, keep going. Women fighting for reproductive health care are saying, keep going. Families buildings better lives, parents stretching to afford childcare, young people struggling to pay their rent, they're all asking us to keep going.

  • Laura Barron-Lopez:

    In one of the night's more emotional moments, the personal stories from women impacted by abortion restrictions, a mobilizing force for Democrats, stories like Kaitlyn Joshua of Louisiana.

  • Kaitlyn Joshua, Louisiana Resident:

    Because of Louisiana's abortion ban, no one would confirm that I was miscarrying. I was in pain, bleeding so much, my husband feared for my life. No woman should experience what I endured, but too many have.

  • Laura Barron-Lopez:

    But outside the Convention Center, scenes of potential dissent that could still hinder Democrats as dozens protesting the war in Gaza broke past a security barricade. Multiple people were arrested, and protesters vowed more demonstrations this week.

    Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH), Vice Presidential Candidate: We have got to have commonsense public safety. And if we don't have public safety, we don't have anything.

  • Laura Barron-Lopez:

    The Republican ticket also plans counterprogramming around the convention. Today, at two events in Midwest battleground states, former President Trump and running mate J.D. Vance bashed Biden and Harris on crime, despite violent crime being down across the country.

    Donald Trump, Former President of the United States (R) and Current U.S. Presidential Candidate: You can't walk across the street to get a loaf of bread. You get shot. You get mugged. You get raped. You get whatever it may be. And you have seen it and I have seen it. And it's time for a change. We have to bring back our cities. We have these cities that are great cities, where people are afraid to live in them now.

  • Laura Barron-Lopez:

    Back in Chicago. It's the Obamas that take center stage tonight.

    But neither Harris nor vice presidential nominee Tim Walz will be at the convention themselves, instead campaigning in the swing state of Wisconsin, less than 100 miles away.

    In fact, Amna and Geoff, Harris and Walz are at the same venue in Milwaukee tonight where Donald Trump was named the Republican presidential nominee for the third time. And night two here in Chicago, the theme here is going to be setting up a contrast between a Harris presidency, what that will look like, as — and what a second Trump term would look like, with the Democrats focusing heavily on Project 2025.

  • Biden passes torch to Harris on emotional first night of Democratic National Convention (2024)


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